Kgosi e e pelomaswe Gabankitse, e tsenya baagi ba motse wa Letlepung tsebetsebe.
Tota ba tlaa tshabela kae puso ya gagwe ya letsogo la tshipi mmogo le kgatelelo e e kanakana?
A mme gona mosimanyana Marang o tlaa gola le go tlhogola go okama setulo sa gagwe sa bogosi le go busetsa morafe mo maemong a ona a pele?
Molayakgosi o emisa mmuisi ka ditsetsekwane, a lwela gore tshiamo e hupetse bosula le gore go rene kagiso boemong jwa kgatelelo.
Ferocious King Gabankitse’s rule terrorises the villagers of Letlepung.
How will they ever escape his tyranny and the prejudices that prevail?
Will the child Marang grow up to assume his true and rightful place as chief and restore the village to its former glory?
Molayakgosi keeps the reader on the edge of their seat, rooting for fairness over injustice and peace over oppression.